Hoquiam United Methodist Church - Hoquiam, WA 98550
Hoquiam United Methodist Church
Saturday, May 04, 2024
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This Congregation’s History


Methodism in Grays Harbor has been around for approximately 120 years. Circuit riders were the first to arrive in Hoquiam and visiting clergy from Montesano and Aberdeen helped to bring Methodism to Hoquiam in 1890.

Our present church at the corner of 5th and L was dedicated Sunday morning, August 9, 1891. The “First Methodist Episcopal Church of Hoquiam” had a daughter church in East Hoquiam from the 1910s until it was sold in 1944.


(Hoquiam UMC early 2000)

In 1939, the name of the church at 5th and L changed from “First Methodist Episcopal Church of Hoquiam” to “The Methodist Church of Hoquiam Washington”, and we became “The United Methodist Church of Hoquiam” with a merger in 1968.

There have been many physical renovations and additions at this present location, but the special passion and dedication of members remains the same in our quest for spiritual growth that allows us to be, “A church in the heart of the harbor, for the hearts of the people”.



Our Methodist Heritage

It has been a long journey from 1729 when a movement by John Wesley (the "father of Methodism") in England moved into the "new" world - before the end of British rule.  Prominent in the early "methodist" movement was the advent of field preaching, and eventually circuit riders serving the frontier as pastors and leaders.

The word "methodist" was originally a derogatory term describing the fervor with which John and Charles Wesley, and their bands of Christians, pursued faithful engagement of the Scriptures and the society around them at Oxford.

To learn more about the Wesleys and their journey, click here...

To learn more about our denomination's polity, church structure, and history, click here for detailed information...


For more information about United Methodist history, click here...

For those searching for how we might impact your faith journey,
please click here...



Hoquiam United Methodist Church

520 5th Street

Hoquiam, WA 98550
